Message | | January 13th, 2025

21 days Prayer & Fasting:
Day 6 :Prayer is based on a relationship with God; a close, familial relationship

Our anchor scripture for today is found in Matthew 6: 9 (NET) and it reads: “​So, pray this way:​ ​Our Father​ ​in heaven, may your name be honored” Today we notice from this verse that Jesus could have taught us to address God as “Our King which art in heaven” (which he is), or as “Our Lord which art in heaven” (which he is), but he instead teaches us to pray to God as Father. We learn then that prayer is about a loving and close relationship with God; when we approach prayer this way, we view it as a way to enjoy God and not simply to request things from him or to check a list.  Relationship with God is possible when we put our faith in Christ; once we have done this we too can experience the joys of his presence like David did when he said “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere” Psalms 84:10

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