Message | Dayo Adeyefa | February 19th, 2025

The Call:
The Call: Come Follow Me

We often say our mission is to love God, love people and make kingdom disciples of Jesus in every sphere of influence. But what does it mean to be a disciple (or follower)  of Jesus? And where do we get the power to follow Him? We need a clear vision of who Jesus truly is. In the famous words of John Stott “the discipleship principle is clear: the poorer our vision of Christ, the poorer our discipleship will be, whereas the richer our vision of Christ, the richer our discipleship will be”.  In this season of Lent (40 days to Easter starting 2/22/2023 commemorating Jesus’ 40 days of fasting and praying in the wilderness), we will be, for the next 8 weeks, journeying in the book of the gospel Mark. We will explore the life and ministry of Jesus beginning from His Call to His disciples to follow Him to His death on the cross on our behalf. We pray that through the power of His Spirit, we encounter Him afresh, see His beauty and what He has done and as such get the power to follow Him.

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